I've chosen this online article on pink floral pantyhose for men:
It's not very professional or of much length, but there are lots of points that can be made about it, and I've found it pretty easy to write about. Just need to make some final tweaks....
Now I need to work on my sketchbook, I've saved so many artist examples but they're all on my computer, which isn't going to help me gain marks! I've also brought a lot of my photography books back home so I'm going to have a nosey through those too. Here are some I've found:
Vinoodh Matadin
Luc Delahaye
At first glance, these don't seem to have much to them. Then you find out that Delahaye took them with a hidden camera, and their expressions become extremely interesting and intriguing. what are they thinking about?
Fashion photographer, Nick Knight
I love Nick Knight. Think he has some stuff in one of the menswear fashion mags I bought recently...ask me next time you're over xx